Announcing all of our ‘an account of Two Besties’ publication concert tour!HelloGiggles

Hi hi every person!

Very. . .we have a critical announcement on this pretty Tuesday morning. Recall our YA book,

An account of Two Besties

? The one we got
crazy-excited about
final December? Well it really is VIRTUALLY HERE.

An account of Two Bestie

s, which is the introduction book by HelloGiggles co-founder and all of our queen
Sophia Rivka Rossi
(with an ahead by her real-life bestie Zooey Deschanel), is originating to shops will 12th! To celebrate, we’re showing up in road with a cross-country publication concert tour and we also would you like to satisfy everybody!

Additional information ahead, but this is what we all know to date:

Austin, TX

: Tuesday, might 12 at 7pm

Dallas, TX

: Wednesday, will 13 at 7pm
Half Price Publications

Houston, TX

: Thursday, will 14 at 7pm
West Houston Community Center
, hosted by
Blue Willow Bookshop

Chicago, IL

: Saturday, might 16 at 2pm
Anderson’s Bookshop in Naperville, IL

El Dorado Hills, CA:

Sunday, May 17 at 12pm
Face in a manuscript

San Francisco, CA

: Monday, May 18th at 7pm
An Excellent Good Place

Tempe, AZ

: Tuesday, May nineteenth at 7pm
Modifying Fingers

New York, NY

: Saturday, May 30th
BookCon section with Tavi Gevinson

La, CA

: Tuesday, June 2nd at 7pm
Barnes & Noble from the Grove

Each trip stop should include special visitors from our neighborhood and beyond—check in mid-April to discover the rad ladies we now have lined up!

We’re in addition including high schools within all of our concert tour.


: can you love HelloGiggles? Would you like you to check out your college? If you live near some of all of our concert tour metropolises and wish to fulfill Sophia, we might like to go to you! Merely e-mail
[email safeguarded] for more information on exactly how to bring HelloGiggles to your class in May.

And, finally, but not least:

A Tale of Two Besties

will be the first HelloGigglesTeen guide nightclub option the month of May: Review in addition to us! More details ahead.

Very bottom line: we are thrilled, we’re proud, so we cannot wait to satisfy every body, Gigglers.

Really love, really love,

The HelloGiggles professionals
